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海岛奇兵对手奖牌数显示 下次更新加入

2014-05-12 11:39:53来源:游戏狗整理编辑:遥远的故乡

海岛奇兵对手奖牌数显示,下次更新加入由游戏狗小编带来,来自SUPERCELLBoom Beach论坛的最新消息,针对近期修改了玩家之间的搜索匹配机制,下次更新将会随之进行一些平衡性调整和界面优化,其中一个重点将是增加奖牌数栏目。

Theis now in place and working, or at least will be when it has had- but there is one vital bit of information missing right now: The all important new UI element showing an opponent's Victory Points when scouting them!

We haven't created this UI element yet, but it will be in the next content update, so in the mean time, why not help out and say where you think it should be?


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